Centurion GC3 Bucker

Author : Nathaniel Garneau

1 in stock

The GC3 is the result of combining three (3) GC1s, for faster bucking. Why stick to one when you can expand your operations with three GC1s? Now with thrice the power of the GC1, you can buck 120 pounds of wet flowers or 24 pounds dry in an hour. The GC3 lets you do the job of up to nine (9) people, with the three (3) 0.25 horsepower motor that delivers a total of 9,000 cuts per minute. Quality is never compromised because the GC3 preserves every bud bucked.

With thrice the number of feed entries, all sizes are still covered, and you get the job faster. Set up is effortless with the GC3, and clean up takes little effort. Keep on bucking as this bucket needs minimal maintenance. For an even more streamlined experience, you can integrate the GC3 with your CenturionPro trimmers. Go from bucking to trimming in seconds when you combine it with the conveyor system.

The GC3 also comes mounted with the bucker stand with industrial casters so you can take it where it’s needed.

Centurion GC3 Bucker Manual


1 in stock

GC refers to “Gentle Cut” as we appreciate and understand how delicate flowers are. This bucker cuts the flowers off the stem, which prevents the large crown buds from breaking apart into smaller pieces. This keeps the structure of the buds fully intact preserving the look of the flower.

Whether you buck wet or dry, the GC3 bucker accepts stems up to 3/8″ in diameter and will successfully de-stem flower up to a rate of 120 pounds per hour of fully hydrated flowers. This system also provides unparalleled processing capacity and produces over 10,000 cuts per minute with three 0.25hp motors.

The GC3 comes mounted on a Bucker Stand with our standard industrial casters.



Input Voltage







